
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is Where I'm Retiring To

This place ain't real! Or is it...

I've quite often seen references online about Grayhawk, pertaining to real estate and/or golfing. Heck one time years ago I was golfing at my local course and randomly found a ball-cap on the fairway that said Grayhawk Golf Club on it. Talk about an omen! Anyhoo, on a whim I decided to check out one of these Grayhawk websites. Hmm, not too bad. I could live there, if I had the means of course. Just imagine, if I lived there I could mail everyone I know in the Greyhawk community "Needfest" cards and the return address would say its from Grayhawk! How cool would that be? And I'd have to name my home something Gygaxian, like Castle Grayhawk or Vault of the Mort. No? Well, I can dream!

p.s. Unfortunately Arizona has lousy professional sports teams. Hockey in the desert? I say thee nay!

Update 04/04/2021: The link to the "Grayhawk" site is no longer active, but I'm sure a quick Google would still find more contemporary websites.


  1. Unfortunately Arizona has lousy professional sports teams. Hockey in the desert? I say thee nay!

    I have a huge distaste for hockey in places where you can't play it regularly on a pond in the winter.

  2. I mainly despise their hockey program(Phoenix beat St Louis Monday night go fig). Golf now would be heavenly in AZ.

  3. Ice hockey? We're talking . . . Ice Hockey? In the DESERT!? Its just getting weird out there man.

    If you ever DO get to live in that "Greyhawk" neighborhood, Mort. Don't forget to send my Needfest card!

    Vault of the Mort? Hmm, actually . . . not too bad. :)

    Mystic Scholar

  4. Uh, I think I bought you that hat dude. I ordered it for you.

