
Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Project: Castle Greyhawk Graphic Novel

Well folks, I wanted to find a new comic project to work on, it seems I had one under my nose all this time! As reported over at Scottenkainenland, In conjunction with the author, Scott Casper I am going to be attempting a graphic novelization of his Castle Greyhawk fiction. Follow the link to Scott's site for a sneak preview of the "pilot" page. I plan to have a more finished version up soon (I have alot of rust to get out). I don't know how long or how much of this we'll get through, but I am excited to be drawing something other than Greyhawk deities for once. Wish us luck! And stay tuned to our respective blogs for further installments.

Update 4/30/2021: Not really an update, just a comment. I can't really imagine what I could've done if not for Scott's story. Even back then I wasn't sure how much I'd get through. The story turned out to be longer than I realized!


  1. This sounds like a great project, for both you. I'm looking forward to it! :D


  2. Mort,

    I think this is great news. I was fearful of and ULL comic! lol!



  3. Grodog: Thanks Allan! That means alot to me.

    Argon: Yeah I took a poll and unfortunately more people heard of Castle Greyhawk(95%) than Ull(+/-1%). Gotta give the crowd what they want!

  4. I'm glad to see you're spreading your wings Mort.

  5. Thanks dude. Not spreading too far from the GH nest, but it's different at least.
