
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Castle Greyhawk: Loot!

Well met Greyhawk readers! It's been a few days since page thirty-one of our Castle Greyhawk graphic novel has hit the news stands, so it's high time I promote it. As the first chapter starts to wind down, follow the link above for bonus content by esteemed author Scott Casper. You can also view the latest episode here, courtesy of Maldin's Greyhawk.
Artist's commentary: It's good to see their short foray into the dungeons already paying off. Drawing chests is always fun for some reason. I think they are as iconic to D&D as wizards and dragons if you think about it. Also, when is the last time you dug your hand into a pile of coins? I did just to get into the mindset of this page. It's rather enjoyable (probably moreso if they're bigger than pennies) and a small amount is VERY heavy, never mind the weight of the container itself. D&D physics may come into play very soon.
One more thing, the last panel is of course an homage to the classic treasure chest image from the Monster Manual by Dave Trampier.  

1 comment:

  1. Given the "treasure" found, I hope this adventure takes place at a time when drabs and zees are still used as currency!

