
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Castle Greyhawk: Invaders!

Welcome back fans of Greyhawk! We're cruising along up to page twelve in the second chapter of our ongoing Castle Greyhawk graphic novel. Follow the link above to get all important lead-in dialogue from Scott Casper. Alternatively you can view the page HERE, courtesy of Maldin's Greyhawk.

Artist's Commentary: This page flowed quite well as a result I'm very happy with the direction of things. The composition of characters with text worked out brilliantly too. I always try my best to give Scott exactly what he asks for in his scripts. Many times I don't know how the word balloons will fit on the page until I start sketching and even then it's a challenge. For this reason I have to draw everything on the panel just in case, knowing full well details like belts or sleeves will get covered up. There's tricks to avoid this but a little overlap doesn't hurt. Anyhow, I love this page's composition, the mannerisms and expressions. All of it. Enjoy!


  1. Hey, I'll comment twice:


    You guys do good work. Hope to see lots more of it.

    On behalf of the community . . . Thanks!
