
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Castle Greyhawk: Out the Gate

Welcome again Greyhawk readers! This time I'm on the ball in promoting chapter four in our ongoing Castle Greyhawk graphic novel. Check out page-six to see some romantic readings by author Scott Casper. On our site you can also check the archives and follow the entire Castle Greyhawk story from the very beginning.

Artist's Commentary: Ah that Scott is turning up the flames of this romantic chapter! So Ehlissa has ran across the Foreign Quarter to catch up to Erac and his new party (names unknown). You know they're near the river with the sails in the distance. When we do these exterior scenes, me and Scott use the City of Greyhawk boxed set for our layout of streets and gates, not that it means much visually, but narrative-wise it all checks out with canon. That's a nice thing for a discerning fan.

Drawing two people hugging is somehow very heart-warming. I suggest if you do figure art, trying it some time you will be happy afterwards. I'm also happy with the long shadows as they walk down the street. Shadows are still a challenge to me. There's probably an easier way to do them. but for now it's all done fast and loose. Anyhoo, if Ehlissa is going to come along she better run her ass back into town for her stuff. They are burning day light!

See ya next page!

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