The original Edge sword design was for a bastard sword, which is a weapon type not in official 5e D&D rules (yet) so I decided to go a new route and make this weapon viable in the hands of many classes by allowing it to change from dagger to short sword or to longsword. For you old 80's-philes like myself, I imagine the effect as the Sword of Omens from Thundercats. The Edge in Howl From the North was powerful and I think I retained much of that in my 5E conversion. One minor alteration I made was because I couldn't justify the visual look of "three" dagger jutting from the sword since I was making accompanying art for the write-up. Again, for 80's reference I went to Kurgan from Highlander to give the Edge a pair of tines that snap out at 45 degree angles at will. Two flying blades seemed like enough anyway, since by the time the heroes have all 5 weapons, a ranged poison attack is likely to be their least frightening ability.
I hope you enjoy this conversion. Comments are appreciated. Enjoy!
Weapon (variable), legendary (requires attunement)
For hundreds of years,
sages have argued whether the Edge is
a short sword, a long sword or merely a parrying dagger, but the strange truth
is they are all right. The Edge is
made of gray steel, yet it never gets dull or marred. Despite attempts, the
blade cannot be further honed, for it is already so sharp it can split hairs at
the slightest touch. In contrast, the
Edge’s hilt is wrapped in comfortably
soft suede leather. The stark design of this unusual blade is offset by a pair
of blackened dagger-like tines jutting at angles from the pommel. The Edge was once wielded by many
leaders and kings, among them the Cruskii folk-hero Vorlag König.
You gain a +3
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The blade also
ignores resistance and immunity to slashing damage. It has the following additional
Unique Design. The Edge is a brutal looking weapon that on command magically
expands, or contracts from dagger length to short sword, or at full extension a
longsword. While in each of these of forms they have the normal attributes of a
weapon of that type.
Flying Daggers. You can use an action to command one or both of these
daggers to fly from the pommel at a single target within 60-feet. When you make
the ranged attack, you do so with an attack bonus of +5. A creature hit by a
dagger takes 1d4 damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or take 2d10 poison damage, and become poisoned for 1 minute. After being fired, a dagger crumbles into
dust. This property can’t be used this way again until the next dawn when the
lost blades reappear.
Sunder. While
the weapon is attuned to any class proficient in short or long swords, you gain
the ability to sunder weapons or armor. When you attack a creature and roll a
20 or greater on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 7 slashing damage.
In addition, if the target is using a shield or weapon in combat, one
nonmagical item in hand is randomly destroyed. If no item is in hand, a
target’s worn armor is destroyed instead and no longer provides an Armor Class
bonus if nonmagical.
If an
item sundered is magical, it can only be used at disadvantage until repaired.
Likewise, armor loses its magical bonus until repaired. Further sundering
attacks on an item have no further effect. The blade cannot sunder artifacts or
legendary items.
Now if the sword made it that the wielder could only be killed by decapitation, then the wielder could really go full Kurgan with this one.
ReplyDeleteLOL nice one!