
Monday, December 24, 2018

Greyhawk Online Returns!

It's a Needfest miracle, Greyhawk fans! Thanks to my friends, particularly W.K. Nolen, the fan hosting site Greyhawk Online has been given a shot of life and a modern front page upgrade. Greyhawk Online was created as a sister site to Canonfire! to host pages for creative Greyhawk fans, such as Grodog's Greyhawk and my own World of Greyhawk comic strip that ran on GHO from 2005 to 2009 until I migrated over to Maldin's Greyhawk until 2011. Speaking of which, coincidentally the full run of 325 Greyhawk comics is now available on Maldin's Greyhawk and will eventually be updated on Greyhawk Online when time permits.

Old fans and new alike can revisit these familiar websites like mine, and perhaps even have their own creative content hosted (join the Greyhawk Wiki) or linked here to share with the rest of the Greyhawk community (see recent additions like the Greyhawk Channel and various blogs). So for Gygax's sake, check out GREYHAWK ONLINE now, you won't be disappointed.

Update 06/24/2021: Greyhawk Online is still going strong. New Oerth Journal issues have been produced and archived Living Greyhawk sites can be perused here. Thank you GHO.


  1. Most excellent! A sorely missed resource. Good to have it back.

  2. Indeed! Plans are afoot to bring some long-lost sites back from the Internet Archive, including Chris Siren's Gord's Greyhawk.


  3. Ah excellent news! Thanks for the mention Allan.

  4. Hey there, Mike!
    I'm just getting back from a late-holiday trip, and going through the mass of GH stuff that seemed to pile up during the holidays.
    I actually posted a short article about the new content on GHO, and the "old" sites being re-hosted.

    Take a look, and thanks again for the review and the post!
    Visit; What's Old Is New Again
