
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Greyhawk in Dragon+ and Gary Con XI

Hail friends of Greyhawk. You may or may not have already seen, but the newest issue of Dragon+ (a periodical I have slacked in reading) has a new article that is a must read. Behind the Screen: Greyhawk by John Roy and Luke Gygax is both a nostalgic ride to the early years of Greyhawk and D&D and also a quite thorough summary on the mood and themes of the setting for those thinking of running Greyhawk for the first time. It covers all the sources for 5th Edition or in classic books on DMsGuild, that one would need (up to and including the newest announced book, Ghosts of Saltmarsh) for a proper Greyhawk campaign.

Kudos to John Roy for writing this piece! There is also a mention in the article of Luke Gygax's panel, Growing Up Gygax, at Gary Con XI in March. I will be there possibly because I'm also in a panel at the con, Celebrating Greyhawk: A Fandom Renaissance which is right AFTER Luke's. Come see me along with Anna Meyer, Bryan Blumklotz, Carlos Lising, Kristoph Nolan and Allan Grohe. Hopefully we get some spill over from the Gygax panel to talk more Hawk!

Update 06/24/2021: Removed old convention links. Needless to say Gary Con XI was a blast and if not for COVID we would have done it again.

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