
Monday, July 15, 2019

Oerth Journal #29 Released!

Attention Greyhawkers! In case you haven't already heard, you need to head on over NOW to Greyhawk Online and download the newest issue of Oerth Journal, the seminal fanzine of the Greyhawk fandom. OJ #29 is chock full of amazingly cool articles and NPCs (the theme is "Folks" of Greyhawk) written by an equally amazing lineup of authors and artists from the Greyhawk online community:

Lee "Tanith1st" Murphy
Chris Siren
Will "Giantstomp" Dvorak
Tony "VorpalDM" Milani
Jay "Lord Gosumba" Scott
Thom Vandervenne
Michael J. Gross III
Devin "MysteryCycle" Parker
Michael "Milcheax" Crisefi
Ted "Bear" Gervais
Joey Julian
Belial Lyka
Patrick "Frogsama" Germann
Blake Ryan
NPC Bree
Denis "Maldin" Tetreault
Bryan "Saracenus" Blumklotz

and last but not least
Kristoph "Icarus" Nolen

Be sure to also download the bonus material for issue #29, because this Oerth Journal was too awesome to contain everything in one document. Enjoy Oerth Journal #29 and when you are done reading and adding this content to your campaign keep an eye out for next issue which will cover the theme of "Feuds". Congrats to all the authors on this publication.


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for posting this!
    It's surprising how long that list really looks!
    A score of authors!
    Amazing contributions, and a wonderful amount of participation!

  2. Fantastic job and great overall crew of contributors!!!
