
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Download Oerth Journal #30 Now!

Okay friends of Greyhawk this is it! Oerth Journal #30 is now available for download over at Geyhawk Online. If you missed the previous issue, Oerth Journal #29 was themed "folks" of Greyhawk. This time the theme is "feuds" of Greyhawk. Here is the lineup of this issue's esteemed authors (including myself):

Librarian's Chronicle: Letter from the Editor - Kristoph Nolen

Fifth of Greyhawk - John Roy 

Persecution and Murder - Kristoph Nolen

The Pit: Gladiatorial Favorites - Cal Scrivener with Zuul "Rurat" Ramsey
Warbands of Ull - Mike "@GreyhawkMike" Bridges

Constellations of Greyhawk: Veneficus et Milés - Andy Miller
Beggars vs. Thieves - Will "Giantstomp" Dvorak 

Rivals: Auric's Warband - Mark "Sollace" Allen
Suel-Baklunish War - Cal Scrivener

Who Watches the Watchers? - Nathan Doyle 

Map of Elmshire - The Grey League

Download this must have, beautifully produced publication. Also be sure to keep checking into Greyhawk Online for other articles and news concerning the World of Greyhawk

In addition you can find John Roy, who is a stand-up comic on Twitter: @johnroycomic 

Furthermore, Nathan Doyle, author of the adventure Who Watches the Watchers? can be found @deficitdragons as well on Reddit: /r/deficitdragons

Last but not least, be sure to follow @thegreyleague for more cartography, videos and advice concerning D&D and Greyhawk! 

Until next issue, enjoy!

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