
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Battles of Greyhawk Project Idea

Welcome back Greyhawk fans. The next installment of my 2E Greyhawk Wars campaign has been slow to release, so in the interim I'd like to ponder where to go when the series is done. Namely, I think I could do more of these maps and battle accounts. One of my long-running project ideas has been to do a military history of the Flanaess. I did Emridy Meadows, but only because Gygax had provided all the story. I started to work on a Battle of a Thousand Banners and never really got anywhere because I wanted a map to go with the article and I didn't quite have the right look down. Now having done this 2E series, I have a format that I think works for me. It also helps to have Anna Meyer's awesome maps to use as a backdrop.

Check out this encyclopedic post of Greyhawk Battles from Jason Zavoda. Let me know which battles interest you the most. Maybe that will give me an indication which I can start with. Besides 1000 Banners, I'm mostly hyped to figure out a Battle of Fortnight's Length, but any will do. See you next post for the Bandit War!

Update 06/27/2021: This is my white whale. Even though I'm on hiatus from streaming, I am constantly pondering this project.

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