The learned Dr. Smedger popped in yesterday. And I do mean
popped. The sound of teleportation is quite audible at close range - such as just behind one's chair.
"Pluffie, you twit, I asked you not to do that!," I greeted him
politely. "I even rearranged the furniture so you couldn't."
He returned my salutations with his usual grace. "You call that
furniture? Besides, you can't confuse me; this place is 'very familiar.' Got a copy of Leadbeater's Astral Plane?"
"Probably. Check the files."
A few minutes later, Pluffie returned;
apparently his mind was still on Leadbeater. "Just as I thought!" he grumbled, but in the tongue of the Flanaess. "He confuses them utterly." He gestured violently with his
I responded in the same language, out of courtesy. "What do you
expect? That was written in London, in 1895. You've seen more
devas than he has. Please put that wand away."
He looked startled, and switched to Cammon. "More what?
Devas? Your accent is terrible." He was right; I'm not very good with the Flan language.
that you mention it, could you check a few pronunciations for me?"
"Gee, I think I might might have to rush off. . ." he said, standing idly and pretending to read my diplomas (rather obvious, even
for him; cash is his weak spot). I named a price a bit more generous than is my wont, but then, he still had his wand out. After making several unnecessary remarks about my habits and my heritage,
he finally agreed, and dictated the following list to my Scroll of
Okay let's get it the pronunciations. I'm only focusing on the Greyhawk specific names (no drow business). First listing in bold is Smedger, anything in parentheses is comments on how I say the word. The notation is all Mentzer, so if you need help to decipher this check out Dragon #93 if you want the full experience. Enjoy!
Aerdi AYR-dee (ditto this)
Almor @L-m0r (same I'm fairly certain)
Beetu bee-TOO (ditto again, and please why is this town even on the list?)
Belissica be-LISS-i-ka (I probably do say it that way or BEL-iss-i-ka)
Blashikmund BL@SH-ik-mund, or bl@sh-IK-mund (can't say I've ever tried this one, I'll go #1)
Boccob BAK-ab (I've said BO-kob. my whole life, now typing this, that seems absurd *shrug*)
Burneal BURN-ee-ul (yup!)
Corusk K0R-usk (I'm certain I say it that way, or kor-OOSK when I'm being fancy)
Dimre DIM-ray (duh)
Erac E-r@k (no way Pluffet, this is just a clever respelling of Eric/Erik)
Erythnul e-RITH-nul (sounds about right)
Fharlanghn far-LANG-n (sounds correct, I love saying this name)
Flanaess fla-NES (for years I said fla-NAY-ess, but I've gradually warmed to Smedger's way)
Grugach GROO-gatch (i think I do say it this way, however not sure why it isn't GROO-gak)
Heironeous hayr-O-nee-us (this one changes alot. I think I've mainly said hay-RON-ee-us)
Incabulos in-K@B-yoo-lus (this works for me!)
Iuz yooz, or EE-uz (#1, nope, #2, nope.... I am Team EYE-ooz)
Johydee jo-HY-dee, or johee-DEE (not sure, I think I say jo-HEE-dee)
Kelanen KEL-a-nen (spot on!)
Keoghtom KEE-o-tum (this works, but I have said KEE-o-tom most often)
Kyuss kee-OOS (nope, I say KY-oos)
Leomund LEE-o-mund (Lakofka approved)
Lolth lalth, or lolth (#2 for me, definitely not "loth" too)
Mordenkainen M0R-den-kay-nen (sounds right I suppose!)
Murlynd MUR-lind (ehhh...I think I say it MURL-ind)
Nystul NY-stul, or NIS-tul (#2 for me, though I think I like #1 better)
Obad-hai o-bad-HY (on the mark)
Oerid O-rid (yup)
Oerik O-rik (definitely)
Oerth OYth (NO! How do you go from O-rid, O-rik, to OYth? It's O-urth. Fight me!)
Otiluke O-ti-look (I'm fine with this)
Phaulkon FAL-kun (eh, I say fall-KON)
Pholtus FOL-tus (yes, this is okay)
Quaal kwal, or kwayl (#1 here, but #2 intrigues me, given the feather token association)
Quag kw@g (I think I say it this way, unsure)
Tenser TEN-ser (right on)
Tharizdun thar-IZ-dun (This sounds right, but I might say thar-iz-DOON when being spooky)
Vecna VEK-na (kinda hard to mess up)
Zuggtmoy ZUG-tmoy (weird one, I think me and my friends say ZUG-it-muah, no idea)
Alrighty, that was fun, wish there was more on this list. Here is some bonus ones of my own in case you're curious:
Ull UHL (not OOL)
Nyr Dyv near div (yeah, yeah)
Furyondy fur-ee-ON-dee
Geoff jeff (though for years I said GEE-off)
Zeif ZIEF (though recently I'm won over to ZEEF)
Verbobonc vair-BO-bon (silent 'c')
Adri AY-dree (though I don't discourage AH-dree)
Suel SOO-ul (sorry Rich haha)
Rao roww (said RAY-o for a long time)
Wastri WASTE-ree (i mean WAST-ree is good, but the word waste makes him seem awful)
Baklunish bak-LOON-ish (decent?)
Iggwilv EEG-wilve (yup, that's it for me)
Far be it from me to nitpick Mentzer's recollections of the Elder Smedger, but all that easy cross-planar teleportation and meeting with astral devas seems like a lot of potent magic for a man from an era when magic is 'waning'.
ReplyDeleteI have always used BO-kob and O-urth too.
ReplyDeleteI also say Fharlanghn as Far-lan, as if the ghn was all silent,
Iuz as it's spelled -- eye-uz,
Kelanen as kel-A-nen,
Verbobonc as Ver-bo-bonk (no silent c),
and Rao as Ray-O.
Oh well!
I'm with you on this Mike!
ReplyDeleteI'm stealing your pronunciation of Verbobonc, though I'm moving the stress to the last syllable. I love the silent c. There's no way to say "bonk" without sounding silly.