
Sunday, February 25, 2018

750th Post: New Greyhawk Hex Map

Hello Greyhawk fanatics! Today marks my 750th post on Greyhawkery! Wow! So I've been blogging for two editions of D&D now and doing art for three. For this milestone post I'm going to display my finished color map of the Kester Environs that I drew during my art-stream on Twitch last week. This map shows the details of a single hex taken from the Darlene map (paper courtesy of Blackblade Publishing). Namely the town of Kester in Ull. If anyone is interested I have the original black and white file too. Also, hopefully next week I will have another art stream (still working out the bugs), just click my link and follow GreyhawkMike. Until then check out Kester's Environs.

Update 06/24/2021: Sorry folks. While my art stream was short lived, at least I put out this beauty in one session! Enjoy!


  1. 750 posts is an amazing milestone. Congratulations!

  2. Awesome! When can we expect a map of the entire Flanaess done up in that style? :P

  3. Nice work, Mike, as always! (And thanks for the Black Blade plug! :D ).


  4. Scott: Thank you sir! :)

    Mystic: *takes a bow*

    MP: Yer killing me smalls!

    grodog: Any time! If MP gets his wish I may need alot more hex paper!

  5. Congratulations, Mike! I've been visiting your site for years and love being able to go back and read about Greyhawk stuff that becomes relevant to me based on what's happening in my own campaigns. That is why Greyhawk blogs, Dragonsfoot posts, and the like stay "fresh" to me.

    Here's to 750 more posts and continued fun and interesting material here at Greyhawkery!

  6. Michael: Thanks for your long time support, I will try and get to 1000 much quicker.

    Gabriel: LOL yeah you can't take the Ull out of me. Thanks for the hype.

  7. Boy, you just don't see the word escarpment every day!
