In the United States, where D&D was originated, we consider New York City as the finest, most important metropolis in the world. That's our point of view here. It's certainly the most populous city in the US. But in the world? It's not top ten. It's not even top 20. It's not even the biggest on its own continent. Does any of this census stuff lessen the city's standing in the world to anyone? It is definitely more influential than over half the cities ahead of it. Let's look at the Flanaess' biggest cities and see if Greyhawk holds up in the population department.
Note: the first list is from Gygax's 1983 Guide, the second list is 2000's Living Greyhawk updated population figures.
Greyhawk 58,000
Greyhawk 69,500
Rel Mord 46,500
Ekbir 63,700
Irongate 44,000
Rel Astra 61,000
Dyvers 42,000
Dyvers 52,000
Rauxes 41,000
Irongate 51,400
Zeif 40,300
Gradsul 49,400
Rel Astra 39,800
Rel Mord 46,500
Radigast City 39,100
Radigast City 44,800
Ekbir 29,400
Zeif 43,500
Eastfair 29,100
Dorakaa 40,000
Dorakaa's inclusion in the Top 10 of the LGG is dubious since its only 10k in the 1983 Guide. Rauxes falls out of the list because it is blown up after the Greyhaw Wars. And lastly, why does nearly every major city in Greyhawk get a population boost by the authors of the LGG except Rel Mord which stays exactly the same? Ekbir got a huge population boost knocking the capital of Nyrond down the list. This is unfortunate because Rel Mord in many ways should be 2nd only to Greyhawk. At any rate, draw your own conclusions. For now, Greyhawk is and shall remain king.
Just remember the LGG pop. numbers are a combination of correction of population numbers (seen as too low to be sustainable) and regugee/migration from the Greyhawk Wars. Considering how brutal the Great Kingdom treated the See of Medegia, it would not be inconceivable that people fleeing the devastation would swell the population numbers.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a urban city bias in the overall 83 Guide numbers which is hard to make work since you need a large agricultural base to support large urban centers.
Bryan, I hear ya. Back when the LGG first came out there was always much scholarly discussion about those numbers. Didn't help Ull much haha. The wars do change quite a bit, but for me it is still interesting to see the rankings shift so much even with that justification.