Languages of Greyhawk

Starting Human Languages and Dialects by Region

The World of Greyhawk setting has a tapestry of human languages and dialects. Despite this, every nation besides the most isolated also speaks Common. Therefore, it makes no sense for a starting Greyhawk character to waste a language choice on a regional dialect they should already know from their own homeland. The lists below give each human character two languages to start; a Common tongue and a secondary dialect. Refer back to regional sources for where your character may originate.

Baklunish West (former Baklunish Empire)
·         Common
·         Ancient Baklunish
·         Ancient Baklunish (Ulagha) If from Ull

Bitter North (Blackmoor)
·         Common
·         Flan
·         Ancient Baklunish (Ordai) If a Wolf/Tiger Nomad 

Western Nyr Dyv (Furyondy)
·         Common
·         Old Oeridian
·         Old Oeridian (Velondi) If from Veluna

Sheldomar Valley (Keoland)
·         Common
·         Old Oeridian (Keolandish)
·         Flan

Empire of Iuz (Northern Reaches)
·         Common
·         Flan

Thillonrian Peninsula (Barbarian North)
·         Common
·         Flan
·         Ancient Suloise (Cold Tongue) If an Ice, Frost or Snow Barbarian

Old Aerdy West (Nyrond)
·         Common
·         Old Oeridian (Nyrondese)

Old Aerdy East (Great Kingdom)
·         Common
·         Old Oeridian

Isolated Realms

Scarlet Brotherhood
·         Common
·         Ancient Suloise
·         Ralat  

Bright Desert
·         Common
·         Ancient Suloise
·         Flan

Amedio Jungle
·         Olman
·         Ancient Suloise (Amedi)

·         Ralat
·         Ancient Suel (Rasol)
·         Olman
·         Touv
Spindrift (Lendore) Isles
·         Common
·         Ancient Suloise (Lendorian)

Rhennee bargefolk
·         Common
·         Rhopan


Anonymous said...

Thank you i was just about to dig through the various tomes for this information. I run the Oerth: Adventures in Garys Gygaxs Greyhawk on FB. thanx, I would like to post it there if you dont mind

Anonymous said...

cant edit... If you could list your source materials or i will have to do the reasearch you have already done anyway to post.