Artifacts and Relics

Famous Artifacts and Relics of Greyhawk

One thing special about the World of Greyhawk setting is that it is the origin for many famous D&D relics, artifacts and sentient weapons. Here is a selection of these powerful magic items that you may come across and even possess during your adventures in Greyhawk:

Items with an * are not found in the 5E Dungeon Masters Guide.
Items with an ** are found in the 5E Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Short Description
Weapon (battleaxe)
Multi-functional axe, boon to dwarves.
Weapon (sword)
Soul devouring sentient sword.
Wondrous Item
Dimensional powers. Eventually cursed.
Holy relic. Banishes demons.
Crown of Might *
Wondrous Item
Attuned to one of three alignments.
Wondrous Item
Healing properties. Pairs with Talisman.
Wondrous Item
Weapon (sword)
Reference on demons. Traps souls.
Frostbrand that serves Tharizdun.
Wondrous Item
Multi-functional. Sight boosting.
Wondrous Item
Multi-functional. Strength boosting.
Wondrous Item
Multi-functional magic music instrument.
Blessed armor with additional defenses.
Wondrous Item
Traps and controls demons.
Wondrous Item
Charming effects. Charisma boosting.
Wondrous Item
Magical disguise. Immune to gaze powers
Wondrous Item
Comprehend languages. Wish powers.
Weapon (mace)
Holy relic. Disrupts undead.
Wondrous Item
Multi-functional arcane machine.
Malachite Throne *
Wondrous Item
Fiend summoning and controlling.
Wondrous Item
Magical transport and combat device.
Wondrous Item
Dragon control attuned to age category.
Orb of Might *
Wondrous Item
Attuned to one of three alignments.
Wondrous Item
Multi-functional clockwork bird.
Wondrous Item
Music instrument. Enchanting effects.
Each part has powers. Increases as united
Scepter of Might *
Wondrous Item
Attuned to one of three alignments.
Silver Key of Portals *
Wondrous Item
Can open any portal.
Weapon (sword)
Blood drinking sentient sword.
Wondrous Item
Healing properties. Pairs with Cup.
Undead summoning. Works as a mace.
Weapon (trident)
Multi-functional sentient trident.
Weapon (warhammer)
Sentient dwarven-thrower hammer.

Want to know more?

The Origins of Greyhawk Artifacts and Relics by Allan Grohe.
Greyhawk Artifacts list by Maldin.
Sword of Kas Through the Editions by Mike Bridges


Richard Smith said...

What about Druniazth?

Mike Bridges said...

Richard: Good addition! I am sure I don't have every artifact of Greyhawk mentioned here. But bit by bit I will!

Anonymous said...

and the Trumpet of Acheron? it is a holy artifact of Hextor

setanta said...

Missing Daoud's Wonderous Lanthorn

Mike Bridges said...

You are not wrong! Good catch.