Sea Zombies: My favorite, the Drowned Ones debuted in Greyhawk Adventures hardback and are direct creations of Nerull god of death. As such they cannot be turned. They are fast in water, can use weapons and have a horrible stench. Some even retain spell-casting ability. Yikes.
Delglath: First seen in Ivid the Undying by Carl Sargent, this insane cleric of Nerull rules the city of Rinloru in the fractured remains of the Great Kingdom. In a region where undead are in abundance (animus and death knights galore), Delglath stands out by intentionally trying to turn all his subjects into zombies. So far he has over 3000 in his city alone!

Ju-Ju Zombies: These intelligent zombies were created by soul draining magic. Not only are they smart, ju-ju zombies' leathery gray skin makes them so tough that only magic weapons can harm them.
Dahlvier's County: Speaking of ju-ju zombies, in the Horned Lands from Iuz the Evil lurks Count Dahlvier a lich who remains neutral in the war between Iuz and the forces of Good. His castle, reputedly built on the ruins of an ancient elven city, is defended by an army of 1500 ju-ju zombies led by ghasts. Better bring a lot of magic arrows.

Lastly is a creation of my own (though I never made stats), called the Dry Ones. These zombies, a variation of sea and ju-ju zombies, are found in the lawless frontier land of Ull near the forlorn desert tower of Abi-Dalzim. Dry Ones are created by animating a humanoid after they are slain by the spell Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting. The resulting creature is resilient as a ju-ju zombie and lethal as a drowned one, yet not as smart. These zombies don't hunger for brains, instead they thirst for water and are able to desiccate living beings by contact. Don't be caught out alone in the fringes of the Dry Steppes!
I've always gone with:
Zombies = Slow Zombies (Original Night of the Living Dead series, Walking Dead)
Ghouls = Fast Zombies (Night of the Living Dead series remakes, most other modern zombie flicks)
Ghasts = Smart Fast Zombies
James, that's a fast and easy assessment for sure! Zombies would be x1000 more scary if they caused paralysis though!
Ahhh, my favorite of course would have to be Ravenous! I love insatiable hunger...
Bit if that's not an option, I like Warm Bodies zombies, looking for love.
If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart, yeah, I'd want your heart! ;)
Wights make for scary 'contagious' zombies. They cause energy drain. Those who die of draining then rise later as a wight themselves. I am surprised that wights havnt spread across the entire continent.
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