Merry Needfest Greyhawk fans! After recently producing those wildly popular
Sea Princes maps, I've hit a dry spell, so let's have some fun with this post. In honor of the holiday season let's do an easy Needfest spoof. I used to do
Needfest Special comics all the time until I hit a wall (common occurrence, entertaining is hard work!) Back then I had a habit of making my holiday comics with a chaotic evil bent. With that in mind, sit back with a cold drink as I regale you all with this scorcher broadcast to
Greyhawkery all the way from the depths of
Abyss. Enjoy!
I feel the need to get the Scooby gang together to solve the mystery of the Secret Santa of the Saltmarsh....
Hahaha, brilliant! 😂🤣
Merry Christmas, Mike! 🎅🎄
Rojo: Agreed!
Isernford: We all know how this one will end!
Michael: Thanks! Have a Merry Needfest and a happy new Common Year.
Anyone have some alternate Greyhawk Holiday module ideas, throw em at me!
Brilliant! Have a happy holiday MikE
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