As you all know I generate a lot of original content for Greyhawk. It's been a hot, lazy weekend, so today I'm going to post a few interesting Greyhawk things that I've seen other people create online.

Lastly is this group on Facebook called the Bards of Greyhawk! Now that's what I'm talking about. How have I not heard of this until now? These guys have so far done a song on Keraptis and have another one in the works about the Bright Desert. There is undoubtedly more Greyhawk-centric music on this page. Very cool, I hope these guys go to GenCon.
Update 06/08/2021: Had to remove link to G+ map. That service is gone!
The new "Village of Hommlet" cartoon is killer. Too funny. I love the way the Bard buys it in the end. Great! Thanks for sharing that.
I love the walk-through maps
"The man who singlehandedly killed Lareth." Awesome! :D
I'm prepping to run Dwellers of the Forbidden City so this map is Gold!
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