Recently it was
revealed that
Zuggtmoy the Demon Queen of Fungi and former resident of the
Temple of Elemental Evil, has moved on from her sometimes demigod lover,
Iuz the Evil, to pursue a romantic union with
Faerun's largest being, the fungal king
Araumycos in the upcoming adventure
Out of the Abyss.
It's left to be seen whether Zuggtmoy returns Iuz's soul gem that she has kept in promise for so long. Neither Zuggtmoy nor Iuz could be reached for comment.

The consensus on the streets of
Greyhawk City is that the whole matter is silly, gross and probably not important to every day life on
Oerth. Even so, with the wily Old One unattached and out of prison, the
Flanaess' queens and princesses should be on guard.
Poor Iuz, my heart goes out to him. Imagine, cock-hold by Araumycos! Oh, the scandal! It's all the Abyss is going to be talking about for a month!
Now Iuz is going to be the Jennifer Aniston of the tabloid magazine cover circuit...
Ah, so funny. Thanks for the TMZ: Oerth Edition report, mort. @MS: that's "cuckolded" by the way. Not the same thing as a very much banned wrestling move. :p ;)
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