Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Castle Greyhawk: Journeys End?

Hola Greyhawk fans! I'm afraid I got behind (as usual) in promoting the latest page, thirty-four of our long running Castle Greyhawk graphic novel. Follow the link to read bonus material by visionary author Scott Casper. You can also view this next to last episode HERE, courtesy of Maldin's Greyhawk.

Artist's Commentary: The first chapter is near complete, one more page to go. But stay tuned there will be more Castle Greyhawk in the coming months! Our trio returns to the ruined surface seen over a dozen pages ago, but from a different angle. Gotta love architecture and perspective. Scott has given me such a workout on so many aspects of comic art that my style has been evolving along the way. It's been a great time and a clear change of pace from the sequential comic strip art in my old Greyhawk Comic. My goal for chapter two is a more consistent look and feel. Wish us luck!

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