Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Greyhawkery Comics: Saga of Valkaun Dain #1

Hail Greyhawk adventurers! Since it is Virtual Greyhawk Con this week, I have decided to celebrate this annual event by releasing FOUR comics instead of one this week. Today is the third in four new comic series I'm debuting. Some background: I have sung his praises before in Greyhawkery articles, but for those just joining Valkaun Dain is my friend Jayson's epic level fighter from 2nd AD&D. This is a character that did so much stuff in Greyhawk that his fame is beyond measure. To find someone so revered by the bards you'd have to compare him to Hercules, Achilles or even yes, Chuck Norris. What this series entails is a black & white newspaper-style comic strip of Valkaun's exploits in Greyhawk. While many of the tales to come are the stuff of myth, I assure you many of them actually happened at the game table. Have fun following his saga. Enjoy!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Greyhawkery Comics: Tasha's Cauldron #1

Hello again Greyhawk readers! Today premiers the second series in my weekly comic relaunch. Following Cultists, I have a "new" character to play with thanks to the fine writers and artists behind 5E D&D. Love her or hate her, Tasha has quite a selection of guises (Nataha, Iggwilv, etc) along with an equally twisted history that just keeps growing. I for one applaud her new career a D&D influencer. Enjoy!   


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #1

Welcome back Greyhawk fanatics! After taking nearly the whole year off of blogging (and a lot of soul searching) I finally broke through my writer's block and went back to what is most fun for me and that is Greyhawk Comics! I hope to win back your readership with a steady weekly Wednesday release of four, yes FOUR different comic series! 

Leading off of course is the mad antics of the CULTISTS. Those who aren't familiar with them from my first run of comics (2007-2011) can find them in the links above or even in the most recent issues of Oerth Journal. What trouble will this duo cause this time? I will feature the other three comic series in the coming weeks. For now, enjoy!