Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Under #7

Salutations Greyhawkers! Thanks to the holidays it's been quite a while since the last installment of Under. You can catch up with the links below. When last we saw the Deep-Oerth scavengers they had left the tomb of a somewhat familiar figure in the Kron Hills. Well, traveling in the Underdark even requires some rest stops. Enjoy! 


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Saga of Valkaun Dain #7

Well met Greyhawk travelers! Valentines Day is around the corner, but I just couldn't wait to post this comic. Unlike some of the tall-tales about the legendary 2E barbarian Valkaun Dain, this episode is 100% true from my home campaign. The character below is named Shana and she was part of the Flame Death Assassins working for the Scarlet Brotherhood. Why they wanted to kill Valkaun, who knows? Back then no one needed a reason to attack Valkaun, only an excuse for him to spare their life. Needless to say, Shana learned if you can't beat em, you join em. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Tasha Cauldron #7

Welcome back readers! Well, his was bound to happen folks. Tasha the Witch has a very long if not confusing history in D&D. I for one celebrate the many years of her crazy character development from many different authors and editions. Needless to say, for longtime readers of my Greyhawk comics you should've seen this coming by now. If you are just joining the series, follow the navigation buttons to see what has come before. Enjoy!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Greyhawk Wizard Quiz

Hello Greyfolk! Telchur has an icy grip on the plains of Ull this month, so I am throwing out a fun post for old times' sake. You think your Greyhawk-fu is strong? Click on the link below to take a "sudden death" quiz on World of Greyhawk wizards. One wrong choice and you are exiled from Oerth. Good luck and enjoy!


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #7

Greetings Greyhawk Maniacs! The holidays are over, and I'm back to the usual comic rotation. Check out the navigation links below. The Cultists of Tharizdun have finally settled in during this break, so let's see what "horror" will be perpetrated this time... Enjoy! 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Graz'zt Show #3

Happy Fireseek everyone! I'm starting the new year off with one more from the Lower Planes. If you have never seen the referenced cartoons or 5e adventures, I highly recommend them! Follow the links below for more of the show, until then here's to a year of more comics!