I recently threw together this map of the Jeklea Bay region to show what a widely interesting and underdeveloped area the Sea Princes really is like. Saltmarsh does not show on this map, but for those who don't have a map handy, it is due north of Monmurg on the coast of neighboring Keoland. It is just under 60 miles away (2 hexes)! Most of greater Keoland is much much farther away than that. For this reason, it is incomprehensible to me as a Greyhawk enthusiast, that you might be encouraged to run an entire Saltmarsh campaign and NOT use the Hold at all. I'd wager to say the plots and placement of all the GoS adventures, besides the three U-series modules, would work fantastically in the Sea Princes. They would definitely make more sense travel-wise than crossing the vast Azure Sea as well.
My Sea Princes campaign picks up with the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (5E version) next week. I am also running a side-campaign that has so far tackled the Ghost Tower of Inverness, The Lost Laboratory of Kwalish (5E, really fun, try it out) and is now heading to White Plume Mountain. Good times!
Looking forward to hearing more as the game develops, Mike! :D
Good luck with your Greyhawkery. I still think it was more worthy than several other D&D worlds.
Andre: Thank you sir! Agreed!
grodog: I hope it just goes. These days its hard keeping a campaign afloat.
Mike, are you running your Campaign pre Greyhawk Wars 576? Was curious! THX!
Yeah it started 576, but I've lost track of how much time went by, it may be 577-679. I've been vague about time since I'm not driving toward any timeline goal post like the Wars.
Don't forget to run Dragotha's Lair.
Started my GoSM campaign on Saturday with 8 PCs, mostly 5e newbs. Thinking about using Dwellers of the Forbidden City as the 6th-level adventure but set in the Amedio instead of Hepmonaland.
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