Snow Barbarians: The Schnai claim to be the strongest and are the most numerous of the northern Suel peoples. They once held the embattled Frost Barbarians (Fruztii) under their sway and generally only pay heed to the Ice Barbarians if there are Sea Barons to fight and Aerdy coasts to raid. The best part about the Schnai is where common heroes go to the four corners of the Flanaess to seek adventure, the Schnai go beyond; casually sailing across the Solnor Ocean to the mysterious isles of Fireland to fight dragons, giants and the elements.
Greyhawk Weather Generator: Originally published in Dragon Magazine #68 and later added to the World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, Greyhawk's intricate system for determining the weather has always been one of the most daunting things about running the setting. There is no fewer than nine steps in determining a daily weather report. Everything starts from a baseline latitude of 40 degrees (roughly the north coast of the Nyr Dyv) and from there random charts cover everything and I mean everything from high and low temperatures, to chance of precipitation on up to special weather phenomena. The whole system covers six pages and details terrain effects on weather, wind chill adjustments, high wind effects and other game related adjustments do to weather. A typical blizzard for instance lays down 2d8+8 inches of snow, lasts 3d10 hours, cuts movement to 1/4 and vision to 10 feet. The chance of getting lost is 35% and wind speed is 3d8+36 (mph). This added realism is incredible and was part of AD&D's charm back then, but I for one would only roll these results in advance as it generally bogged down game time. Good thing there is handy Greyhawk weather generators online to calculate this stuff on the fly.

Frost Giants: I can't speak about cold Greyhawkian races without mentioning Frost Giants! G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl was the second part of the Against the Giants series and is still in my mind the definitive module on frost giants. Jarl Grugnur's realm also found in the Cystalmists, has it all: polar bears, yeti, winter wolves and of course remorhaz. For more on frost giant culture and some new frost giant domains, check out CruelSummerLord's article over at canonfire.
There is so much more I could cover; Wintershiven, Icy Sea, Polaria, Telchur, Telchuria, Cold Marshes, Frostmen, Vatun, White Dragons, Frostrazor, Icehand Plain, and so on...but that's for another day and another winter!
Cool post! I had forgotten about the Kostchtchie pic - that's a classic!
That maul/hammer is just the coolest weapon I've ever seen painted. I just now realized I forgot to see who is the artist of that cover...
Daniel Horne. The signature is just visible on the bottom right corner.
He also did the cover of Fate of Istus, as well as Dragon #126 (archer vs. frost giant skeleton) and Dragon #133 (barbarian vs. troll).
Heroic work there Armitage, thanks! Horne is definitely in my Dragon Mag Hall of Fame with Denis Beauvais' and his chess covers.
I know I played at least one half Snow Elf.
The weather forecast is no longer located at, but can be found in
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