Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9

Welcome back to another maniacal episode of the Cultists of Tharizdun. One of their favorite pursuits is finding lost relics in an effort to destroy the world. Or part of it. Honestly, they'd be happy with just a city or two. At any rate tonight's artifact of choice is an obscure classic from the Greyhawk vaults, the Bringer of Doom was first mentioned in AD&D Monster Manual 2 but has had little actual elaboration outside Greyhawk fandom. The Cultists may have some insight on this item, check it out. Enjoy!


1 comment:

BenS said...

Love it. Didn't it open a portal to the lower planes, from which hordlings (?) or something like that emerged to wreak devastation?