Friday, November 9, 2012

Trithereon the Summoner

Looking back over the list of Greyhawk deities, I'm still amazed that Trithereon the Summoner was not more popular among fandom. Sure he isn't a C-lister like Jascar or Joramy, but he never was quite good enough for "Core deity" status either. As far as I recall no one I've personally gamed with has ever made a priest or worshipper of the god of retribution. What's worse, back in 3rd edition Wizards folded Trithereon's retribution portfolio into St. Cuthbert, further burying this quite cool god.

Through my old World of Greyhawk Comic I used to explore the facets of many ignored gods like Trithereon. Undoubtedly his most interesting element is his notable animal companions. Trithereon is quite like the Beastmaster in this respect, a ranger-like vigilante bent on taking down evil with his animal cohorts serving useful roles.

Here's another. I'm sure few remember from the 1983 Guide that Trithereon also has his own "prison" demiplanes. The colorful descriptions of these places always grabbed me. Imagine, what sort of villains are so evil that Trithereon and his pack has to go hunting after them? And rather than outright execute them, they are put in their own prison plane. Trithereon's prison planes predate the Ravenloft setting as well, so ponder that. I tried to tackle this issue in a Canonfire article on his demiplanes back in 2006. I consider this article among my best work, especially considering it isn't about Ull.

So there you have it, check out Trithereon sometime when you're making a cleric for your Greyhawk campaign.


Jason Zavoda said...

I never did much with deities in my Greyhawk campaign. I've always believed that the gods are like little children; they should be seen and not heard, and preferably not seen.

Mystic Scholar said...

For myself, I enjoy using the gods, though they are not quite as active as those found in Faerun.

And I have two cleric characters of Tritheron that I play: both are Holy Liberators, of course! ;)

I agree with you that Trithereon is much taken for granted, if not completely over looked.

Glad to see you blogging about him. Any Trithereon comics coming out soon? (hint) :D

Valkaun_Dain said...

No one you've ever played with has ever made a priest of Trithereon? Really? Are you sure?

Mike Bridges said...

"As far as I recall"

Valkaun_Dain said...

Owen was a priest of Trithereon, before being corrupted by the other members of the party and became an evil priest of Wee Jas.

Mike Bridges said...

That's a shame. Had there been more information back in 2e about priests of Trithereon compared to WJ perhaps you might have stayed with it. Corruption aside.

Those guys deserved to have Trithereon on their case.

Valkaun_Dain said...

No, those guys deserved to be summarily executed by greater deities...

Anonymous said...

Here's another. I'm sure few remember from the 1983 Guide that Trithereon also has his own "prison" demiplanes.

Trithereon carries a scepter called the Baton of Retribution that allows him to transform the surrounding area into a strange and unfamiliar plane. If his opponent refuses to answer one question truthfully, the unfortunate is stranded in the strange plane for 100 years, presumably when Trithereon terminates the action of the Baton and returns to Oerth.

Gary said...

I run a 1E game on RPoL and one of my players is a Half-Orc cleric of Trithereon - great character and loves to infuse as much of the Summoner's dogma into his playing as possible.
And I like for gods to be as present as possible with their followers. In fact, Trithereon's aspect/avatar made an appearance in answer to a fervent prayer in a time of great need. It was fun to roleplay and my players loved it.

Scott said...

Trithereon is right up there with Kord as the most popular deities
I've observed in various Greyhawk campaigns (Kord moreso in Living Greyhawk), which has always irked me because those clerics of Trithereon were usually, as I see it, played wrong. Ignoring Trithereon's chaotic alignment, most of his clerics have been law enforcing bounty hunters, instead of wild savages waiting for Trithereon to lead them in a wild hunt.

Unknown said...

Trithereon has always been my personal favorite diety in Greyhawk. My old LG character worshipped him. Just rolled up a Cleric/Ranger of Trithereon last night for my 1E game, and already have converted the Duergar of the group into the faith. Slavers beware!

Anonymous said...

One of the campaigns that I have heard of but not played in was a cleric of Trytherion watched a god war unfold and really helped out Trytherion. After the god war, he took over Trytherion's spot as a neutral good god of liberation, while Trytherion ascended to become a greater god. I had a paladin who worshiped him and it was a lot of fun since we literally fought the god of subjugation and conquering.