the news is likely to be
spreading like wildfire across the blogosphere by now, but
Wizards has announced that development is underway for the next
[5th] edition of D&D. Can't say I'm shocked or excited. At this point it's almost shrug-worthy. Time will tell as always. As I read across the various blogs I don't have much else to add or comment on except that I'll try to keep my finger on the pulse of
Greyhawk related things over at Wizards be they 4th, 5th, 6th edition, etc. It's too early to get on my pro-Greyhawk pulpit so for now let's enjoy the chaos! The next couple
Gencons should at least be more interesting...
Update 4/28/2021: The link to the Wizards article is not on their site anymore, but a few of the blogged articles will still tell the story. It's fun to see 5E is still around ten years later, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.
The way I see it, Greyhawk dodged a bullet. The setting won't have to get torn apart to accommodate a lot of 4E nonsense the way the Forgotten Realms did.
Word verification: "derogies". Dumpling-like foods made of stuffed pasta, usually served in the Underdark.
Joseph: Amen to that!
mmm derogies...
One of the announcements stated that Forgotten Realms will be the setting they focus on. So at first, at least, it looks like Greyhawk goes on without support.
The community has continually supported the Greyhawk setting and will continue to do so regardless of edition.
Greyhawk Endures!
Darva: As with 4e, I'd hope that the edition is playable before they start branding GH on anything. There was quite a bit of converted GH material in 4e, and at this point I'd be slightly angry if they kept doing so.
Well, "I told you so."
When 4E came out five years after 3.5 I said 5E would be out five years after that, and here it is, right on time.
I said the announcement would be at Gen Con, unless the electronic game rights were settled earlier, and sure enough they resolved them a month back, and here is the moved up 5E announcement.
Mind you, its not like WotC didn't say that was their plan back when they released 3E, but apparently people don't want to believe them.
As for whether 5E will be any good that remains to be seen. Perhaps, perhaps not.
I will however predict now: expect 6E to be announced in 2017 for a 2018 release. You read it here first!
Ah, Sam you scalliwag.
My addendum to your prediction is that 6e will be the takeover of Pathfinder as the primary edition of D&D when Hasbro buys out Paizo with an offer Erik and Lisa can't refuse.
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